Assistance to make Accessible Toilet at the Women Affairs Department

On behalf of B-SCAN, on July 28, 2017, a letter was sent to Women Affairs Department for making an accessible toilet at their office. After a long process, the meeting was held on 7 March 2007 between B-SCAN, Public Works Department and the Director General of the Department, Ms. Shahin Ahmed Chowdhury, and the place for construction of the toilet was decided. Since the infrastructure development of this office is entrusted with Public Works Department, B-SCAN directly contact with them too. Later, the design and responsibility for a technical cooperation of this toilet were given to B-SCAN. We handed over the design to the Director-General on 4th April 2017, which was in collaboration with engineers of BUET architecture and civil division. Later, the work of the toilet was completed in May 2017, according to the design.
Related Portfolio

Manual Wheelchair Lift at Siddheshwari Boys High School
With the sincere desire and cooperation of the school authority the Manual Lift was made for smooth accessibility of student with disabilities up to two storied. On 9 Mar, 2017 the inauguration was held with the renowned author Muhammad Zafar Iqbal,

Arrangement to watch Cricket at ZAC
B-SCAN arranged to watch the cricket match between Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium on 12th Feb, 2014, for some wheelchair users with the support of Nurture.

Finally the National Museum Accessibility Ensured
For the long lasting two years effort of B-SCAN, universal accessibility is ensured in the Museum. The construction of separate toilets for the wheelchair users and a ramp for persons with disabilities started in the National Museum on October 2012, which ended in January 2013. Honorable Information Minister Mr. Abul Kalam Azad inaugurated the Ramp on 1 March 2013.