Our Introduction
Who are we?
People who are survivor of disabilities and few around them who can sense the sufferings of them comprise B-SCAN. Unlike other general people who have the citizen rights, persons with disabilities are constantly being deprived in Bangladesh. It is a voluntary Disabled People Organization (DPO) which aims are to advocate the rights of persons with disabilities and raise awareness among the mass people about the basic rights. B-SCAN is working to establish the rights of education, employment, universal accessibility, transportation and social dignity of the people with disabilities as other citizens of Bangladesh in equal basis.
What we want to do?
B-SCAN started with an initiative of Sabrina Sultana on 17th July, 2009, Muscular Dystrophy survivor as activists with an online group in Facebook. The initiative quickly gathered momentum and many joined hands from the civil society, professionals, development advocates, therapists, members of families having persons with disabilities etc. To bring changes in people’s attitude and to bring awareness towards people with disabilities in this country. This group is working to develop self-esteem among people with disabilities and to help establishing themselves in this society as a respectable person. It is a platform where like minded people can easily gather and join in different programs and activities of this organization.
Why we want to do?
World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank in a survey of 2012 found 15 percent of the world’s 10 billion population are persons with disabilities. Based on 15 percent of the population of each country, population with disabilities in Bangladesh is 24 million. They are living in different types of conditions and more or less detached from the mainstream society. Nobody ever realize that these people are living alone and are being deprive in the society from social mixing, education, entertainment etc. By 2015, “Education for All” is everywhere regardless of the students with disability or non disability. Though the situation is changing but still the speed of progress is very slow.
Those who uses assisstive devices very difficult for them to include themselves in mainstream school due to the appropriate environment. Because of universal accessibility. There is no accessible toilet facility, no ramps, no braille books, no sign language support, lack of disabled friendly transportation etc. Maximum time classes are upstairs and there is no reasonable accommodation for student with disabilities. People have an understanding that a child with disability cannot study in a mainstream school with other children except in special schools. Most families and also educated and respected people in our society do not want to believe that a child with disability can achieve education or can contribute towards a society. Guardians are compelled to prefer to teach their children with disability at their own house. Moreover they find it to be absurd to educate them. Being afraid of facing the feeling of conspicuousness or social rejection by the classmates‟, guardians confined them to the four walls of houses. Every single moment they are haunted by the bitter truth of their life “Life is not ours. Never been so”. For, in every sphere of life they have to confront „No‟!
At schools, colleges, Universities –NO!
At Community functions –NO!
At Wedding parties –NO!
In Public bus, train- NO!
In enjoyment places and playgrounds – NO!
The wishes and dreams of persons with disabilities of Bangladesh are whirling with despair into this very “NO!” – Which is the offspring of this so called social structure. And we are determined to keep our struggle on to turn this “NO!” into “YES” in every sphere of our life. We want a society where we can proclaim with full vigor “Yes, we have opportunities in Life!”