Arrangement to watch Cricket at ZAC

B-SCAN arranged to watch the cricket match between Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium on 12th Feb, 2014, for some wheelchair users with the support of Nurture. Including helping hand or relatives of wheelchair users and B-SCAN volunteer’s total 22 people enjoyed the match of the Tigers. Complications however persist.
The stadium authority did not arrange separate entrance for the wheelchair users. Conscious of the difficulty the wheelchair users might face in the long queue of thousands of people, members of the B-SCAN team managed to grant their plea to the stadium security officers. Even though their main gate was opened for entrance, the wheelchair users’ relatives and helpers were restrained to proceed with them whereas they should’ve been allowed along with them because stadium authority gave tickets to 14 no. gallery in stead of 15 no. gallery for which confusion was formed among the security guards. To the contrary, an application was previously submitted to them where they had promised to take care of everything.
The wheelchair users were designated to sit in the area used for walking; with people walking about every now and then, they faced several difficulties. The greater problem was faced when it became almost impossible to watch the match because the seats were allocated right beside the practice net and sound system. The sounds created by DJ were also very harmful and intolerable for the wheelchair users.
Hope next time authority will manage these things well !!
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