Journey of B-SCAN
Bangladesh Society for the Change and Advocacy Nexus (B-SCAN) is women led non-profitable disabled people’s organization (DPO) has been working since 2009. It has started with an initiative of Sabrina Sultana a Muscular Dystrophy survivor as activists on 17th July, 2009 with an online group in Facebook. The initiative quickly gathered momentum and many joined hands from the civil society, professionals, development advocates, therapists, members of families having persons with disabilities etc.
It is a voluntary organization which works for inclusive education, along with accessible transport and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities and do advocacy works with government and non-government organizations for establishing their citizens rights. Ensuring accessibility through advocacy in Dhaka North City Corporation and Dhaka South City Corporation, Department of Women Affairs, National Museum, University of Dhaka area are some of the mentionable success of B-SCAN. Along with these, to make persons with disabilities specially women with disabilities economically empowered and establishing themselves in the society with dignity, B-SCAN is conducting entrepreneurship training and giving interest free loan to them.
B-SCAN also have some research work on Accessibility Audit and Dropout of the Women with disabilities in Ready Made Garments Sector which are under process to be published.